Lethargy in the wind
an empty current,
a lazy river of air,
like it's tired of blowing,
it wants to run thru the field
pull grass westward
in a big whooshing movement
sending seeds spiraling upward and out,
but there's a wall around the field
with a sign saying keep out,
no one can play here,
especially you, the wind,
so it curls back on itself.
Done are the days
of riding bikes till dark,
ding-dong dash
and cigars in the park.
Gone are the ways
of carefree afternoons,
Now it's "careful, don't say the wrong thing,
You'll disclose the wrong data,
that information is proprietary,
it's not theirs,
it's ours."
The general mood of life is
keep it lite,
but stay in tune,
don't let them catch you slipping
off your guard,
even if they overstep,
don't act rude.
They say that I should submit
please the customer (the master)
bow your head to the lion
in the circus ring of business,
the clowns in professional attire.
But I'd rather submit
my letter of resignation
I've gone to pursue my true calling
as a shepherd
tending to my flock,
where the wind
can run a marathon
around the mountains
in a moment.